Mock pitch prep.
This week we began to truly contemplate that the mock pitch was only days away and so we started putting together a to do list of what needs to be completed prior to the date and time it is scheduled for. Because so much time was spent in ideation and defining the plan, we began to realise just how unprepared we really are. Despite the upcoming pitch being a mock, it most certainly should not be treated as one, especially because it does not feel like one since our game, which hardly has a level, is going to be pitched in front of some who are already working in the games industry.
During my time studying for both my foundation degree and bachelor’s degree in film, I experienced pitching my projects to be green lit for production on numerous occasions, but I was far more prepared than I am now. This could be due to several factors, for example, not working full-time unsociable hours like I am so desperately trying to get out of now. This just has to be done for the sake of my career aspirations, but more importantly, my sanity!
Nevertheless, we might as well give it a go! After all, we are not completely empty-handed. We might as well add as much as we can and then pitch what we have. We possess a final idea (however subject to change it could be), influences, a core gameplay mechanic that is near-on working, colour palettes, concept art, parts of the hub level and a playground level in which the material changes are currently undergoing tests by the game designers, Luke Q and Georgi.
I suggested that we each have a speaking role in which the pitch is divided into specialisms although it seems like a lot of people aren’t available for the time that was arranged by Georgi so unfortunately it seems like this will not be the case. Perhaps if we were consolidated right before it was booked that would have been more ideal, although, it could be that there were not many slots left. Something is better than nothing I suppose.
Releasing the Game on Consoles (XBOX)

After missing the supervisor meeting in the previous week, I watched the recording and noticed there was mention of the game being released for consoles, with this I researched the XBOX developer programme. (Choosing an XBOX Live Developer Program – Xbox Live, 2021) Essentially as a publisher, we would have to fit a certain criterion of what they expect of us, and it seems like games must have XBOX Live functionalities that are intended to be published. (Register as an app developer – Windows app development, 2021) We would fall under an unincorporated group so we would just pay the £12 fee between us and to get started we would select our developer account type (individual or company). This would have to be correct as it cannot be changed later down the line and we would have to come up with a publisher display name. This we would have to mindful of also as when customers are browsing, they would see that this name would be affiliated with the content we develop.
How Do We Make the Hub Level Somewhat Presentable?
With there being little to show in terms of level design right now, for the sake of the mock pitch, Georgi suggested it might be best just to show gameplay within the playground scene in which the material abilities are being tested and implemented. I was not overly fond of this idea and because we are in dire need of at least some gameplay to show off for the week 6 mock pitch, me and James decided to collaborate on the hub level. Essentially, we decided it would be best to come up with puzzles which would grant the player the first two abilities. We decided that we are going to create simple puzzles that are separate from the pyramid and add some interior walls of the temple that surrounds it. We decided that it would be best to have two separate puzzles, one to unlock the bouncy material and one to unlock the metal material. First was figuring out the sequence of unlocking these abilities. My thought process of which I explained to James was that it would make sense to have the bouncy ability be the first unlocked as it is the least environmentally impactful and is merely for traversing the world. Whereas with the metal material it could be for changing the material of tree trunks to metal for example, and thus creating a more toxic world due to the increase in carbon. I am responsible for putting together the puzzle that unlocks the bouncy material whereas James is putting together the puzzle for unlocking the metal ability using the bouncy material. Seeing as the player would not be able to make objects bouncy to reach these hard-to-reach places initially, it made sense to me that the player would have to complete a trial of scaling upwards to acquire such an ability. The puzzle element of this trial is to figure out the ‘climbing route’ like in bouldering. If they are to choose the wrong path, then they would fall and have to start again from the beginning or checkpoint.
References 2021. Choosing an Xbox Live developer program - Xbox Live. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 August 2021]. 2021. Register as an app developer – Windows app development. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 August 2021].